In this part we'll see how to configure Giscus comments, About Page, Projects page etc.
Giscus Comments
Each post has it's own dedicated comments section based on Giscus . you can start by changing some environment variables to setup Giscus. In you .env file change the following variables.
to get Repo ID, Category ID goto Giscus and follow the instructions.
To add a new project, you can start by chaging the src/lib/projects.ts file.
projects that are featured will be shown in home page. make sure the techstack is of type TechStack[] so that it's possible to render the respective icons to showcase projects. see /projects to get an idea on how icons are rendered and see src/lib/types.ts for more information.
you can add custom icons, give class names and more.
About page is also rendered using markdown but it has its own layout. src/lib/components/markdown/about-layout.svelte. To change content in about, edit about/ if you see the fronmatter for there's a layout: about which tells the MDsveX preprocessor to use about layout.