In this part we'll see how to configure Giscus comments, About Page, Projects page etc.
Each post has it's own dedicated comments section based on Giscus . you can start by changing some environment variables to setup Giscus. In you .env
file change the following variables.
PUBLIC_GITHUB_REPO = prabhukirankonda-portfolio
to get Repo ID, Category ID goto Giscus and follow the instructions.
To add a new project, you can start by chaging the src/lib/projects.ts
import type { TechStack } from './icons';
export type ProjectType = {
title: string;
featured?: boolean;
href: string;
source?: string;
image: string;
description: string;
techstack: TechStack[];
export const projects: ProjectType[] = [
title: 'Personal Portfolio with Markdown Blog',
'This website, is my personal website with a markdown blog written in SvelteKit and deployed using Vercel. Styled using Taiwind CSS and Shadcn-UI and completely written in TypeScript.',
href: '',
source: '',
image: '/sveltekit-portfolio-min.png',
techstack: ['SvelteKit', 'Tailwind', 'TypeScript'],
featured: true
title: 'Corgi-AI: Create anything with AI',
'Corgi AI is a collection of AI tools for different usecases. It includes a chatGPT clone with streaming responses, Image Generation, Audio Generation, Image Restoration and PDF Chat(beta). It is a full fledged SaaS application with stripe payments. It is Deployed using Docker with a VPS hosting on',
href: '',
source: '',
image: '/corgi-ai-dashboard.png',
techstack: ['SvelteKit', 'TypeScript', 'PostgreSQL', 'Docker', 'Drizzle'],
featured: true
title: 'Dall-E Clone: AI Image Generation',
'Created a Dall-E Clone using SvelteKit, OpenAI API, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, Dirzzle ORM and MySQL Database. Converted it into fully working SaaS which inludes Stripe Payment Integration, User Authentication (Github & Google), and User Friendly Interface. The app is deployed with Vercel for easy setup and scalability.',
href: '',
source: '',
image: '/dall-e-svelte-min.png',
techstack: ['SvelteKit', 'TypeScript', 'MySQL', 'Drizzle'],
featured: true
projects that are featured will be shown in home page. make sure the techstack is of type TechStack[]
so that it's possible to render the respective icons to showcase projects. see /projects to get an idea on how icons are rendered and see src/lib/types.ts for more information.
import type { ComponentType, SvelteComponent } from 'svelte';
import { Drizzle, Streamlit, Svelte, Tailwind } from './components/site/icons';
function tuple<T extends string[]>(...o: T) {
return o;
export const techStackArray = tuple(
export type TechStack = (typeof techStackArray)[number];
export type TechStackObject = {
[key in TechStack]?: {
name?: string;
filename?: string;
className?: string;
customIcon?: ComponentType<SvelteComponent>;
export type LangIconsType = {
[key: string]: {
name?: string;
filename?: string;
className?: string;
customIcon?: ComponentType<SvelteComponent>;
export const techStackData: TechStackObject = {
// inlcude if you want any custom type icon
// by default it's gonna stick with default values
why i'm only icluding the one that i want to be a custom type is that, if you see the URL structure of (that's where we get those icons), it has following structure
<img src="" />
<img src="{name}/{filename}.svg" />
so we can you default ones if not included here.
// for nextjs, i want the background to be white so i inlcude nextjs in this
NextJS: {
className: 'bg-white rounded-full' // that's it.
Firebase: {
filename: 'firebase-plain'
SvelteKit: {
customIcon: Svelte
Streamlit: {
customIcon: Streamlit
MySQL: {
className: 'bg-white',
filename: 'mysql-original-wordmark'
Tailwind: {
customIcon: Tailwind
Drizzle: {
customIcon: Drizzle
you can add custom icons, give class names and more.
About page is also rendered using markdown but it has its own layout. src/lib/components/markdown/about-layout.svelte
. To change content in about, edit about/
. if you see the fronmatter for
there's a layout: about
which tells the MDsveX preprocessor to use about layout.
fronmatter for
layout: about
/** @type {import('mdsvex').MdsvexOptions} */
export const mdsvexOptions = {
extensions: ['.md', '.svx'],
layout: {
_: resolve('./src/lib/components/markdown/layout.svelte'), // default or fallback layout
about: resolve('./src/lib/components/markdown/about-layout.svelte') // named layout
// comment if not working
// highlight: {
// highlighter: highlightCode
// },
remarkPlugins: [remarkUnwrapImages, math, katex_blocks, katex_inline, replaceQuotes, remarkGfm],
rehypePlugins: [
[rehypePrettyCode, prettyCodeOptions],