Welcome, this will guide you through this template and how to use it. This is a SvelteKit + MDsveX Personal website and a blog completely designed with Shadcn-Svelte , it has everything you need get started and you can fully customise it. repo link
it's got ton of features that you don't wanna miss out.
def fibonacci(n):
if n <= 1: # base case
return n
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
console.log("Hey there")
```js title="example.js"
console.log('Hello from JS');
console.log('Hello from JS');
: In this section we'll dicsuss about how to setup quicky and get started.
To install, clone the repo using
git clone https://github.com/PrabhuKiran8790/prabhukirankonda-portfolio.git
install the node modules
cd prabhukirankonda-portfolio && pnpm i
and start editing the following files
which has all the linksabout/about.md
to change the about page$lib/assets
for favicon and image$lib/components/site/hero.svelte
to change the home page$lib/projects.ts
to change your projects.let's have a look at $lib/config.ts
import { LinkedIn, X } from '$lib/components/site/icons';
import { FileText, Github, Mail } from 'lucide-svelte';
type routesType = {
name: string;
link: string;
type socialsType = {
href: string;
icon: typeof Github;
display: string;
class?: string;
// nav routes
export const routes: routesType[] = [
name: 'Blog',
link: '/blog'
name: 'Tags',
link: '/tags'
name: 'Projects',
link: '/projects'
name: 'About',
link: '/about'
// social icons with links
const socials: socialsType[] = [
href: 'https://github.com/prabhukiran8790',
icon: Github,
display: 'GitHub'
href: 'https://linkedin.com/in/PrabhuKiranKonda',
icon: LinkedIn,
display: 'LinkedIn'
href: 'https://x.com/prabhukirantwt',
icon: X,
display: 'Twitter',
class: 'h-4 w-4'
href: 'mailto:prabhukiran426@gmail.com',
icon: Mail,
display: 'Mail',
class: 'h-4 w-4'
href: '/Prabhu Kiran Konda Resume.pdf',
icon: FileText,
display: 'Resume'
export const getSocials = ({ exclude }: { exclude?: string } = {}): socialsType[] => {
if (exclude) {
return socials.filter((social) => social.display !== exclude);
return socials;
export const githubConfig = {
username: 'PrabhuKiran8790',
repo: 'prabhukirankonda-portfolio',
branch: 'main'
To ensure that your local images, located in the posts/[slug]
folder, can be converted to GitHub URLs, it's essential to include your githubConfig
in the config.ts
file. This is particularly useful when you want to include images in your blog posts and prefer to store them in the same folder as your post for better organization.
However, there's a caveat – assets in other than public folder (static), won't be processed by Vite. As a result, these images won't have a definite URL. To obtain the URL, you'll need to incorporate your githubConfig
, which transforms your local images into GitHub raw URL format. This ensures that when you deploy your application, the images will correctly point to your GitHub repository.
Alternatively, you can place your images directly in the static folder and access them using /
which points to static folder. example: /image.png
and you also get Vite Image Optimisation.
Always use a CDN for better performance.
see the next part on How to write blogs